Research Articles
By Fernando Rodriguez Villegas
Below you can access all my math research articles. Most of them are published but not all.
Quaternionic extensions Rodriguez Villegas, F. (in Spanish). In: Proceedings of the IV Coloquio Latinoamericano De Algebra, Mendoza, Argentina, (1984).
Quaternionic extensions and rotations Rodriguez Villegas, F. (In Spanish). Notas De La Sociedad Matemática De Chile, 5(1), 201–202, (1986).
Relations between quadratic forms and certain Galois extensions Rodriguez Villegas, F. (Unpublished). (1987).
On the square root of special values of certain L-series Rodriguez Villegas, F. (Ph.D. Thesis–The Ohio State University). ProQuest LLC, Ann Arbor, MI, (1990).
On the square root of special values of certain $L$-series Rodriguez Villegas, F. Invent. Math., 106, 549–573, (1991).
Square roots of central values of Hecke $L$-series Rodriguez Villegas, F. and Zagier, D. In: Gouvêa, F. Q. and Yui, N. (Eds.), Advances in Number Theory (Clarendon Press, Oxford), 81–99, (1993).
Square root formulas for central values of Hecke $L$-series II Rodriguez Villegas, F. Duke Math. J., 72, 431–440, (1993).
The congruences of Clausen–von-Staudt and Kummer for half-integral weight Eisenstein series Rodriguez Villegas, F. Math. Nachr., 162, 187–191, (1993).
On the Taylor coefficients of theta functions of CM elliptic curves Rodriguez Villegas, F. In: Childress, N. and Jones, J. W. (Eds.), Arithmetic Geometry (AMS), 185–201, (1994).
Which primes are sums of two cubes? Rodriguez Villegas, F. and Zagier, D. In: Dilcher, K. (Ed.), Number Theory (Halifax, NS, 1994) (AMS-CMS, Providence, Rhode Island), 295–306, (1995).
Explicit elliptic units I Rodriguez Villegas, F. and Hajir, F. Duke Math. J., 90, 495–521, (1997).
The order ideal of Sha of CM elliptic curves Rodriguez Villegas, F. and Hajir, F. Math. Res. Letters, 5, 637–655, (1998).
Modular Mahler measures I Rodriguez Villegas, F. In: Ahlgren, S. D. et al. (Eds.), Topics in Number Theory, in Honor of B. Gordon and S. Chowla (Kluwer Acad. Publ.), 17–48, (1999).
Central values of Hecke L-functions of CM number fields Rodriguez Villegas, F. and Yang, Tonghai Duke Math. J., 98(3), 541–564, (1999).
Concordant sequences and integral-valued entire functions Rodriguez Villegas, F. and Pila, J. Acta Arith., 88, 239–268, (1999).
Explicit models of genus 2 curves with split CM Rodriguez-Villegas, Fernando In: Algorithmic Number Theory (Leiden, 2000) (Springer, Berlin), 505–513, (2000).
On certain plane curves with many integral points Rodriguez Villegas, F. and Voloch, F. J. Experiment. Math., 8(1), 57–62, (1999).
Convergence acceleration of alternating series H. Cohen, F. Rodriguez Villegas and Zagier, D. Experiment. Math., 9(1), 3–12, (2000).
On certain plane curves with many integral points II Rodriguez Villegas, F. et al. Acta Arith., 49, 85–96, (2001).
Mahler’s measure and the dilogarithm I Rodriguez Villegas, F. and Boyd, D. Canad. J. of Math., 54, 468–492, (2002).
Blet: A mathematical puzzle Rodriguez Villegas, F. et al. Amer. Math. Monthly, 109(8), 729–740, (2002).
Identities between Mahler measures Rodriguez Villegas, F. In: Bennett, M. A. et al. (Eds.), Number Theory for the Millenium, III (Urbana, IL, 2000) (A K Peters), 223–229, (2002).
On the zeros of certain polynomials Rodriguez Villegas, F. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 130, 2251–2254, (2002).
Hypergeometric families of Calabi-Yau manifolds Rodriguez Villegas, F. In: Yui, N. and Lewis, J. D. (Eds.), Calabi-Yau Varieties and Mirror Symmetry (Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI), 223–231, (2003).
Calabi-Yau manifolds over finite fields. I Rodriguez Villegas, F. et al. (Unpublished). (2011).
Calabi-Yau manifolds over finite fields. II Rodriguez Villegas, F. et al. In: Yui, N. and Lewis, J. D. (Eds.), Calabi-Yau Varieties and Mirror Symmetry (Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI), 121–157, (2003).
Estimates for Mahler’s measure of a linear form Rodriguez Villegas, F. et al. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 136, 1–7, (2004).
Computing weight $2$ modular forms of level $p^2$ Rodriguez Villegas, F. and Pacetti, A. (With an appendix by Gross, B.). Math. Comp., 251, 1545–1557, (2004).
On the Jacobians of plane cubics Rodriguez Villegas, F. et al. Advances in Mathematics, 198, 366–382, (2005).
Integral ratios of factorials and algebraic hypergeometric functions Rodriguez Villegas, F. Oberwolfach Reports,, (2005).
Counting colorings on varieties Rodriguez Villegas, F. In: Proceedings of the Primeras Jornadas De Teoría De Números (De Espanya), Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain, (2007).
Computation of central value of quadratic twists of modular L-functions Rodriguez Villegas, F. et al. In: Ranks of Elliptic Curves and Random Matrix Theory (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge), 273–288, (2007).
Computing central values of L-series Rodriguez Villegas, F. In: Ranks of Elliptic Curves and Random Matrix Theory (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge), 260–271, (2007).
Lattice polygons, Hecke operators and the Ehrhart polynomial Rodriguez Villegas, F. and Gunnells, P. Selecta Math., 13(2), 253–276, (2007).
Mixed Hodge polynomials of character varieties Rodriguez Villegas, F. and Hausel, T. (With an appendix by Katz, N.). Invent. Math., 174, 555–624, (2008).
Counting quiver representations over finite fields via graph enumeration Rodriguez Villegas, F. and Helleloid, G. J. of Algebra, 322, 1689–1704, (2009).
Topology of character varieties and representations of quivers Rodriguez Villegas, F. et al. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, 348(3-4), 131–135, (2010).
Arithmetic harmonic analysis on character and quiver varieties Rodriguez Villegas, F. et al. Duke Math. J., 160, 323–400, (2011).
On the $\mathcal{A}$-hypergeometric systems associated to a bivariate rational function Rodriguez Villegas, F. et al. Int. Math. Res. Not.,, 2496–2533, (2011).
A refinement of the $A$-polynomial of quivers Rodriguez Villegas, F. (Unpublished). (2011).
On the divisibility of $\# \text{Hom}(\Gamma,G)$ by $|G|$ Rodriguez Villegas, F. and Gordon, C. J. Algebra, 350, 300–307, (2012).
Arithmetic harmonic analysis on character and quiver varieties II Rodriguez Villegas, F. et al. Adv. Math., 234, 85–128, (2013).
Positivity of Kac polynomials and DT-invariants of quivers Rodriguez Villegas, F. et al. Ann. of Math., 177(3), 1147–1168, (2013).
On the bilinear structure associated to the skew bezoutian Rodriguez Villegas, F. and Jouve, F. J. Algebra, 400, 161–184, (2014).
Cohomology of large semiprojective hyperkaehler varieties Rodriguez Villegas, F. and Hausel, T. Astérisque, 370, 113–156, (2015).
Combinatorics and geometry Rodriguez Villegas, F. In: Mathematical Congress of the Americas (Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI), 141–147, (2016).
Torus orbits on homogeneous varieties and Kac polynomials of supernova quivers Rodriguez Villegas, F. et al. Math. Z., 290(1), 445–467, (2018).
Vertex operators and character varieties Rodriguez Villegas, F. and Carlsson, E. Adv. Math., 330, 38–60, (2018).
Goursat rigid local systems of rank four Rodriguez Villegas, F. and Radchenko, D. Res. Math. Sci., 5(4), 34, (2018).
Hypergeometric supercongruences Rodriguez Villegas, F. and Roberts, D. In: 2017 MATRIX Annals (Springer Verlag), (2018).
P-adic hypergeometrics Rodriguez Villegas, F. In: 2017 MATRIX Annals (Springer Verlag), (2018).
A case of the Rodriguez Villegas conjecture Chinburg, T. et al. (Appendix by Rodriguez Villegas, F.). Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 321, 119–165, (2019).
Mixed Hodge numbers and factorial ratios Rodriguez Villegas, F. (Unpublished). (2019).
Arithmetic as tomography Rodriguez Villegas, F. (in Spanish). Gac. R. Soc. Mat. Esp., 24(3), 577–596, (2021).
Independence polynomials and hypergeometric series Rodriguez Villegas, F. and Radchenko, D. Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., 53, 1834–1848, (2021).
Hypergeometric motives Rodriguez Villegas, F. and Roberts, D. Notices Amer. Math. Soc., 69, 914–929, (2022).
The Tutte polynomial and toric Nakajima quiver varieties Rodriguez Villegas, F. et al. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, 152(5), 1323–1339, (2022).
A Prym hypergeometric Rodriguez Villegas, F. et al. (to appear in the Collino volume "Perspectives on four decades: 1980 - 2020"). (2022).
E-series of character varieties of non-orientable surfaces Rodriguez Villegas, F. and Letellier, E. Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble), 73, 1385–1420, (2023).
Preface [Special issue in honor of Don Zagier] Ono, Ken and Rodriguez Villegas, Fernando Pure Appl. Math. Q., 19(1), 1–2, (2023).
Representaciones de Galois Rodriguez Villegas, F. et al. (in Spanish). Publ. Mat. Urug., 18, 105–161, (2023).
Locally free representations of quivers over commutative Frobenius algebras Rodriguez Villegas, F. et al. Selecta Math., 30, 50, (2024).
Hypergeometric local systems over $\mathbb{Q}$ with Hodge vector $(1,1,1,1)$ Rodriguez Villegas, F. and Gugiatti, G. (2024).
K2 of families of elliptic curves over non-abelian cubic and quartic fields Rodriguez Villegas, F. et al. (2024).
Ennola duality for decomposition of tensor products Rodriguez Villegas, F. and Letellier, E. (2024).